Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thing 3 BLOG

I am bit apprehensive about blogging because I am not sure that I am confident enough to have my random reflections published in the public domain and perused by colleagues. I can see the benefits of sharing personal and professional and academic journal entries. I am dipping my toes in the waterfall of 2.0 - and here I was in Colorado Springs!

What you think about publishing random responses or reflections?


  1. you will have lots of good things to say and share...I have learned lots from you over the years and look forward to learning more thru your blog...love the picture by the way...how fun! Just like working in this blog will be...fun!

  2. I feel exactly the same way. Random responses and reflection - why would anyone care about mine? But sometimes, folks do! They ask my opinion in person, or give me feedback after a meeting in which I made a comment. This is really not that different. Just think about it like a bigger conversation.


Thank you for leaving a comment and have a great day!